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Strengthening livelihoods to build community resilience in Venezuela


Inclusion | Venezuela | PUBLISHED ON February 22nd 2024
In the background, a chicken coop with pecking hens. In front, Walter stands smiling, his hand on the handle of a tool. On the ground, bricks arranged in a rectangle form the base of an enclosure in front of the henhouse.

José Walter Guevara Medina extending his chicken coop with the help of HI. | © M. Campos / HI

By expanding their egg production activity and fish farm, Walter and his family have improved their day-to-day lives while contributing to the economic stability of their community.

In the state of Apure, in the centre-west of Venezuela, HI is working to promote peace and social cohesion, while supporting the economic development of communities in the Venezuelan plains. HI supports projects run by local people to strengthen their resilience and develop community initiatives. This is how Walter Guevara Medina, aged 34, received help to develop his egg production activity and fish farm, ensuring a steady income for his family. 

Limited economic opportunities

Walter’s family earns a living raising chickens and fish. © M. Campos / HIIn Walter's village, most people make a living by rearing animals or growing cacao, lemon and banana trees. The village is close to river Sarare, but the locals only fish to feed their families, not as a way of earning additional income.

"For some families, the only way to make a living is to sell curdled milk. But the roads to the sales points are in poor condition, only accessible by motorbike or horse. The bridges are also in a bad state," explains Walter.

Walter, his wife and their three children make a living from egg production and cachama (tambaqui) fish farming. As their business is still in its infancy, they want to expand it to make a better living.

Sustainably improving livelihoods

Cachama fish raised by Walter. M. Campos / HIThrough the project run by HI in Apure state, Walter and his family have received support to expand their activity. This assistance has helped to increase the family's income, while strengthening the resilience of the entire community. HI provided them with materials, such as rolls of netting to extend and protect the henhouse.

"We also received a motor pump, which we use to generate oxygen for the fish farm, and drinking and feeding troughs for the hens. At the moment, we're harvesting 38 eggs a day. We eat some of them and the rest we sell. We are going to buy more hens, so our production will increase."

The project entitled "Prevention and protection against the threat of armed violence by strengthening community resilience in Alto Apure, Venezuela" was implemented by HI with two partners, Repas and Tinta Violeta. It aimed to promote peace and mitigate the impact of conflict by strengthening resilience mechanisms, conflict management and social cohesion using an inclusive approach. The project was funded by the Crisis and Support Centre (CDCS) of the French Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs (MEAE).

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