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Kenya, Dadaab, unaccompanied girl. She will be cared for by HI throughout her registration to ensure that she has access to the help she needs and that she is not in a situation of insecurity. Kenya, Dadaab, unaccompanied girl. She will be cared for by HI throughout her registration to ensure that she has access to the help she needs and that she is not in a situation of insecurity. Kenya, Dadaab, unaccompanied girl. She will be cared for by HI throughout her registration to ensure that she has access to the help she needs and that she is not in a situation of insecurity. Kenya, Dadaab, unaccompanied girl. She will be cared for by HI throughout her registration to ensure that she has access to the help she needs and that she is not in a situation of insecurity.

In emergencies and situations of extreme poverty, people with disabilities and vulnerable populations are often overlooked. HI implements prevention and response programmes to prevent and address disability, gender and age-based violence.


Protection against violence based on disability, gender and age


Worldwide, an estimated one in three women will experience physical or sexual abuse in their lifetime and women with disabilities are up to 10 times more likely to experience sexual violence. During emergencies and/or in low-income countries, protection systems are weakened and disrupted, placing the elderly, women, and children with and without disabilities at an increased risk of multiple forms of violence. This violence is expressed in physical, psychological, sexual or verbal attacks and can lead to death or cause temporary and/or permanent physical and psychological impairments. These can in turn generate disabilities due to environmental barriers.


Our approach and expertise

Since the 1990s, HI has established a detailed analysis of violence against women and children with disabilities by conducting qualitative studies and action research and by designing and implementing prevention and response programmes in several countries, including such as: Morocco, Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda, Ethiopia, Kenya, Mozambique, Bangladesh and Pakistan.

HI plays a key role in providing other protection actors with technical support for making their responses to Gender Based Violence (GBV) and Child Protection (CP) disability-inclusive. Finally, our advocacy work helps raise awareness to violence against women and children with and without disabilities and fosters alliances between organisations for people with disabilities, women's rights organisations and organisations working in the field of child protection.



Making it Work : our focus project


The "Making it Work: Gender and Disability" project (MIW) fights violence against women and girls with disabilities in Africa, supporting grassroots organisations and conducting evidence-based advocacy at all levels.


Road safety


Road accidents are the 8th leading cause of death worldwide. If nothing is done, they will have moved into 5th place by 2030. Nearly 3,500 people die on the roads each day, and tens of millions are injured. Many of them are left with permanent disabilities such as paralysis or amputations.


Global Disability Summit


The Global Disability Summit 2022 was held online from 15 to 17 February 2022. During this Summit, which aims to promote the rights of people with disabilities, HI called on States to be more inclusive.

One billion persons have a disability worldwide. However, meaningful inclusion remains a challenge – between 2014 and 2018, less than 2% of international aid was disability relevant. The Global Disability Summit is a key moment to build on the momentum that the disability rights movement is gaining globally and stay true to its motto: “nothing about us without us”.

The next Global Disability Summit will take place in spring 2025.


‘From Guidelines to Action’ project


Implemented by Humanity & Inclusion (HI) between 2022 and 2024, the ‘From Guidelines to Action’ project aimed at supporting the operationalization of the Inter agency standing committee (IASC) Guidelines on inclusion of persons with disabilities in humanitarian action.


Photos : © B. Blondel / HI - © W. Huyghe / HI - © K. Vadino / HI - © Amazink Studio / HI