For more than 35 years, whether in emergency situations or contexts of chronic crisis or extreme poverty, HI has been helping people with disabilities and other vulnerable people along the road to inclusion or re-inclusion in their community.
projects led by HI in 2021 in 38 countries
notre temps de réponse
beneficiaries worldwide in 2021
Deeply-rooted in local communities, our teams work alongside relevant local authorities and services, as well as Civil Society networks, including Disabled People’s Organisations.
They develop close links between mainstream services (such as social services, teachers, and actors in the employment sector), and specialist actors to improve the inclusion of people with disabilities and vulnerable people, whatever their specific needs or personal projects. HI works to promote an inclusive governance of disability issues, and the full participation of people with disabilities in decisions that concern them.
Access to education
HI has been promoting access to school for children with disabilities since 2004 and is developing projects in 31 countries.
economic inclusion
Our projects are aimed at people with disabilities and vulnerable people living in poverty.
The depiction and use of boundaries, geographic names and related data shown on this map are not warranted to be error free nor do they necessarily imply official endorsement or acceptance by HI.
Our goal is to promote access to decent paid employment and self-employment, ensuring freedom, equality, security and dignity for these people. Our projects adapt internationally recognised evidence-based economic development interventions to local contexts, ensuring access to sustainable livelihood opportunities for people with disabilities.
Supporting self-employment
Providing assistance to entrepreneurs to begin or scale up income generating economic activities through access to financial services (e.g. microfinance institutions, village saving and loan associations), professional or technical training courses, creation of market linkages, etc.
Increasing access to waged employment
Increasing access to paid employment: supporting disabled jobseekers to apply for a job and enter the job market, and corporations who hire vulnerable people to ensure their businesses are systematically inclusive of people with disabilities and vulnerable people
Supporting mainstream economic development
Supporting mainstream economic development stakeholders to ensure their interventions are inclusive of disabled people, ultimately creating environments which encourage professional inclusion
Professional integration of vulnerable people
Sustainably pulling ultra-poor people with disabilities and vulnerable people and their families (living on less than $1.25 USD per day) out of poverty and into work using the disability-inclusive graduation model
Support for associations
Support for associations: Supporting disabled people’s organisations to defend the right to employment of people with disabilities and to provide assistance with drafting inclusive national employment policies
Our professional inclusion projects help people with disabilities and vulnerable people to develop income-generating activities. Partnerships are developed with microfinance institutions and companies to promote inclusive employment. This work is based on the International Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (articles 27 and 5) and the goals of access to decent work for all (8th goal of the Sustainable Development Goals 2015-2030).
Social inclusion for equal opportunities
HI works for the full social participation of vulnerable people, including people with disabilities1. Our social inclusion projects especially aim for deeply connected relationships, social development and empowerment of individuals, and enabling social environments conducive to full social participation.
Our teams firstly rely on Social Work and promote social interventions within our organization, such as the Personalised Social Support process. Their work:
- Social development of individuals/groups and social cohesion of communities by “Living Together” (sports, games, cultural and leisure activities...)
- Implementation of social action facilities (IOLC2, support services, unique portal...)
- Quality Approach development
- Support to the definition and operationalization of social protection policies at local and national levels
For more information about our projects and our approach to livelihood
Francesca RANDAZZO
Manager Livelihood
Photos : © K. Holt / HI - © W. Hadhak/HI - © Wassim Hadhak/HI - © L. Veuve / HI