Inclusion Technical Assistance
As part of his 2016-2025 Federal Strategy, HI wants to increase his impact on the inclusion of people with disabilities, through, among others things, the development of technical support to International Non Govermental Organisation (INGO), International corporates and States to be more inclusive for people with disabilities.

Beyond general disability rights training, our experts provide INGOs, corporates or states, with sector-specific guidance and proximity coaching on disability inclusion. We offer actionable, practical guidance on operationalizing inclusion.
INGO and international agencies
Corporates, INGO, international agencies, States
Within these technical assistance, HI collaborates with partners at three levels:
- Headquarters
- Country offices
- Projects / sites
HI tailors its technical assistance to the specific needs of each organisation.
Focus on our "Inclusive programs & projects" Technical Assistance
This Inclusion Technical Assitance is meant for international aid stakeholders (NGOs, international agencies and donors) wishing to include people with disabilities in their programs and projects. HI offers onsite support for programs and projects, but can also set up information and training activities for your staff on the subject of disability inclusion in development and humanitarian settings.
Example: video on inclusive governance,
created for Global Affairs Canada
Focus on our "Inclusive Employer" Technical Assistance
HI’s inclusive employment expertise is the result of decades of partnerships with businesses, nonprofits, governments, vocational training centers, and disabled persons organisations. HI has supported more than 70 global companies and small and medium enterprises in the hiring, retention, and promotion of persons with disabilities. To meet the needs of each business, our team of local and international experts adapts our methodology to the local context and corporate culture.
HI offers expertise in:
- Company policies and strategies for inclusive employment
- Accessibility and workplace accommodations
- Human resources and management practices
- Transforming corporate culture
- Tailored partnerships with local disability stakeholders

Our main steps of intervention
HI conducts assessments to determine the current status of inclusion across a company or branch. This allows our team to understand the level of inclusion present in the workplace, the goals of the company, and potential barriers to success. Using these findings, we create tailored trainings for the company, focused on their specific challenges and goals.
Based on the results of the evaluation and taking into account production, human and financial resource constraints, HI proposes the development of an action plan to improve inclusiveness. This is carried out during a collaborative workshop with all the company's key actors. It includes quantitative and qualitative monitoring indicators. It thus becomes the reference tool for the quality approach implemented.
To ensure a culture shift, our awareness trainings engage staff company-wide. Our methodology covers:
- What is disability? Challenges faced and appropriate language
- Challenging perceptions: The benefits of hiring beyond quotas
- How inclusive are we? Assessing our corporate environment
- Creating a welcoming workplace: Mainstreaming, accommodations, and adaptations
HI places a full-time inclusion expert within the company to guide managers and key staff throughout their inclusion journey. This specialist reinforces training, helps troubleshoot unexpected issues, increases the probability of hiring and retaining persons with disabilities, and increases the likelihood of sustainable change.
They trusted us

Contact Us
For more information about our Inclusion Technical Assistance, please contact us
Inclusion Technical Assistance Operation Officer
Photo : © W. Hadhak / HI