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Our partner networks

In order to fulfil its remit, in particular its advocacy work, HI partners various networks of peer organisations. The organisation is also involved in networks working on the ethical questions relating to its missions.


NGO and advocacy platforms


HI is a member of major platforms of NGOs which share the same concerns. They are in constant dialogue with the UN, the EU, and other regional and national international cooperation agencies. The organisation is also a member of professional societies working to draw up solutions and spread good practices on disability and vulnerability.

HI is a proactive member of NGO coalitions involved in international advocacy, in particular those working towards the eradication of conventional weapons deemed to have indiscriminate effects (landmines and cluster bombs).  The same is true for coalitions upholding the rights of the populations HI works with: people with disabilities, populations exposed to risks, victims of war and of natural disasters.


Ethics committees and networks


The HI federal network is involved in around 130 collectives and working groups worldwide with the aim of contributing to furthering the organisation’s influence.

• Sharing its expertise and professional skills
• Dialoguing with the main institutional donors
• Influencing national and international legislative measures

These commitments are made across the different components of the HI federal network: the geographic and technical divisions, the advocacy and institutional relations division, our eight national associations and the HI Institute on Humanitarian Action, all committed according to their respective influencing strategies and specific objectives.

In line with the organisation’s strategy, 17 of these networks have been identified as being of importance at federal level :

All other network commitments focus on the themes which mobilise our technical or geographic skills, such as:

BOND, VENRO, Swiss Development Cooperation, RIPPH, GATE, PHAP, European Disability Forum, NCD Alliance, Global Campaign for Education, Gender and Development Network, CFHE, etc.



Ethics committees and collectives


All the national associations in the HI network are members, in the countries where they operate, of NGO networks which share practices and dialogue with the public authorities. These NGO focus on ethical issues relating to their missions. They approach these issues either via working groups or by joining specialist bodies grouping together organisations which solicit donations from the general public. In this context, they work on questions relating to communication, good management, transparency and accountability.


of which HI Federation or HI Network's National Associations are members


Deutscher Spendenrat logo Deutscher Spendenrat logo Deutscher Spendenrat logo Deutscher Spendenrat logo

Deutscher Spendenrat – Germany




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IDEAS INSTITUT - France (HI Federation) and Switzerland

Photos : © B. Blondel / HI