HI’s work at headquarters and in the field are regularly subject to internal and external controls and audits.

Internal control
To ensure the effectiveness and efficiency of its activities, HI implements internal controls that mobilise all our managers, supervisors and staff and are designed to achieve the following objectives:
- Optimise the implementation of our operations in line with management policies
- Ensure the reliability of our financial information
- Ensure conformity with the laws and regulations in effect
- Guarantee compliance with contractual undertakings
Practice of Internal Control
Definition, responsibilities and implementation at HI
Internal Auditing Toolkit
July 2018
Internal Audit Charter
HI has an internal auditing system covering the Federation and the other federal network entities, our national associations and our programmes in the field.
Checklist for professional ethics
In the volatile settings in which HI operates, we invest considerable effort in safeguarding our assets and resources and fighting bribery and corruption.
External control
In addition to internal checks and audits, HI’s management and activities are submitted to different categories of external controls. These include audits by our statutory auditor, as well as controls and audits conducted by the European Commission, international cooperation or United Nations agencies, as well as national funding agencies, for projects financed and implemented in the field.
With the help of the Institute for the Development of Ethics and Action for Solidarity (IDEAS), in January 2016 the HI Federaton engaged in enhancing its governance, financial management and effectiveness. Within this framework, the HI Federation has exposed its management and its transparency mechanisms to the criteria of the IDEAS Guide to Good Practice. At the end of the process, on the basis of external controls and a audition conducted by an independent committee, the HI federation obtained the IDEAS Label. This IDEAS Label was renewed in November 2024.

IDEAS : An independent and demanding label at the service of action
The IDEAS Label attests to the quality of governance, financial and evaluation practices.
This independent label is awarded on the basis of the requirements of the "IDEAS Guide to Good Practice" (in French). This standard commits the organisation to a process of continuous improvement in order to optimise its action and promote its development. The IDEAS Label is the mark of a social commitment to quality
The humanitarian partnership certificat
The Handicap International Federation has been granted the humanitarian partnership certificate by DG ECHO.

Humanitarian partnership certificate
This certificate grants HI the status of official humanitarian partner of the European Commission for the period 2021-2027, which recognises HI as an organisation eligible and suitable to be awarded EU funding for the implementation of humanitarian aid actions.
Photos : © L. Veuve / HI